Is Education the Next Bubble?

December 01, 2011

That may sound like a strange question but it’s one that a lot of people are beginning to ask. What makes a bubble a bubble is that it’s hard to tell when you’re in it until it’s too late. Let’s take a look at the housing bubble. It was based on widespread faith in home ownership as a key pillar of the American Dream that had paid off well for previous generations. It was then fueled with artificially cheap credit and government incentives that led millions of people to stretch their budget and buy as much home as they could with the expectation that rising home prices would make it a great long-term investment, even if they were barely able to afford those mortgage payments. Besides, owning a nice big home is so much fun! Substitute education for housing and student loans for mortgages, and you pretty much have the current state of higher education. Continue reading “Is Education the Next Bubble?”