Your House Needs a Vacation Too

August 26, 2014

With summer coming to a close, have you planned your last vacation of the season?  As you pack your bags and finalize your itinerary, make sure to plan a holiday for your home as well. Specifically, give your home a rest regarding the electric use when you are away.  Here are four tips on how:

  1. Adjust your water heater. The water heater can account for 15 – 25% of the average energy bill. Water heaters will continue to use energy to keep the stored water warm even if you aren’t taking showers or running the dishwasher. Since you are not using this water while on vacation, either adjust the water heater temperature to the lowest setting or turn it off if you will be gone for more than three days.  My water heater actually has a “vacation setting” so yours may too.
  2. Change your thermostat settings before you go. Even if temperatures are hot outside, it is not necessary to keep your home as cool as you normally would since you won’t be there. Turn the thermostat up to a warmer temperature (I usually set mine on 78 degrees) or turn it off entirely. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can adjust it to cool down the house just in time for your return home.
  3. Unplug your appliances and electronics. You will not use your coffee maker, TV, or toaster while you are away but they will continue to use energy and waste money if you don’t unplug them. Even when appliances are turned off, many of them go into standby mode or flash the time and continue to draw power – sometimes referred to as phantom power draw. Unplugging also protects your electronics if there is a power surge or lightning strike while you are away.
  4. Put lights on a timer if you plan on leaving lights on to deter burglars. You can save money by not having lights on constantly and make it appear that people are home by varying the times the lights are on. I picked up an inexpensive timer for less than ten bucks and I have it set to come on at dusk around 8 pm and then turn off at midnight when I am away from home.  It also makes it nice to come home to a lit front hallway.

No more vacations for you this summer?  While you are saving by not having any other travel costs, you can also save on your electric bill by helping your home beat the heat with a few more of these tips from the Energy Education Council. Either way, be sure to give your home (and your wallet) a break too.