We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore! (Part 2)

August 20, 2014

Last week, I shared with you how cancellation policies can intimidate you into not asking for a refund when you do not intend on using a prepaid service. Another policy that drives me nuts and may be intimidating consumers into settling for less is the policy that it’s okay to offer better options to new customers only. Since when is it okay to treat new friends better than old ones?

I’m not gonna take new-customer deals anymore!

I’ve been with my current satellite TV provider for the last five and a half years. When I first subscribed, they offered me a promotionally-priced service package and after a few years, the promotion wore off and I was left with a standard, retail-priced package…no big deal. I was happy with the service and the price seemed reasonable for the package I subscribed to.

Over the years, as competition grew and technology improved, I started to feel like I was paying too much for yesterday’s equipment and so, like I did in September, I called my provider and asked for a better package for the same price or a lower price for the current package. Otherwise, I’d switch to another provider. As expected, the customer service representative on the phone could only offer me a less expensive standard package but I was already in the lowest priced option based on my viewing preferences so unless something else could be done, I would have to discontinue my service. I was then transferred to an “account specialist” who, after reviewing my account history, decided that it would be best to treat me like a new customer and offer me the same great deals new customers were getting—in this case it was a better package AND a lower price. I’ll probably have to call them again a year from now when the promotional pricing expires but as long as I continue to get what I want, I’m happy.

The moral of the story is simply this: know what your options are and don’t be afraid to exercise them. If my satellite provider didn’t want to work with me, my cable provider would be more than happy to step in. Most businesses know that it’s a lot easier and cheaper to retain existing customers than to solicit new ones so once they know you are serious about leaving, you may be surprised at how willing they are to keep you. It all starts with a phone call.