Financial Wellness Think Tank™

The Financial Wellness Think Tank was founded to safeguard and advance the financial wellness movement we pioneered in 1999. Through unbiased research informed by extensive proprietary data, we provide insights, showcase best practices, and drive innovation in areas most needed by employers and employees.


Workplace Financial Wellness in America: A Year in Review

Meet our Director
Greg Ward, CFP®

Greg oversees industry-leading research focused on financial wellness best practices and emerging trends. Recent examples include studies on the evolving financial priorities of Millennials and Gen Z, as well as the persistent racial disparities in financial well-being and wealth. Greg served as the Vice Chair of EBRI’s Financial Wellbeing Research Center during the 2020-21 term and frequently shares insights at industry events. He has developed comprehensive industry standards for designing, delivering, and measuring the ROI of financial wellness programs offered as employer-paid benefits.

In partnership with other thought leaders in the space, our Think Tank has quantified the ROI of financial coaching.

Estimated ROI in three key areas:

(per 1,000 employees)

Reducing financial stress


Streamlining benefits administration


Creating a culture of wellness


Learn more about the Financial Wellness Think Tank’s award-winning ROI model

Research and publications

Explore our research and publications for insights and best practices that have been
proven to drive ROI while positively impacting employees’ lives.

Making the Case for Workplace Financial Wellness

Making the Case for Workplace Financial Wellness

The American workplace is constantly changing. At one time, people generally stayed with one employer throughout their entire career and …
How to Market Your Financial Wellness Program So It Becomes A Highly Valued Employee Benefit

How to Market Your Financial Wellness Program So It Becomes A Highly Valued Employee Benefit

While some employers do take a tool-based or program-based approach to financial wellness in order to address niche needs of …
The ROI of Workplace Financial Wellness

The ROI of Workplace Financial Wellness

How much money can a highly effective financial wellness program save your organization? The answer, for most large companies, is …
The HR Benefit Manager's Guide to Implementing Financial Wellness

The HR Benefit Manager’s Guide to Implementing Financial Wellness

Interest in financial wellness is exploding, and many companies have questions about what a financial wellness program is and how …
Five Common Mistakes Employees Make in Benefits Planning

Five Common Mistakes Employees Make in Benefits Planning

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “start off on the right foot.” It’s a guideline that can be applied to …
“Bright Spots” in Benefits Communication and Education

“Bright Spots” in Benefits Communication and Education

We’ve all heard that we learn more from our failures than our successes. But is that really true? Recent research …

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