Why Financial Knowledge Isn’t Enough

February 11, 2011

Last week I talked about how there is an enormous volume of financial knowledge available to anyone willing to look for it.  Heck, you don’t even have to look, it’ll find you if you let it.  But even with the mountains of knowledge out there about how to become financially independent, there are countless people under financial stress who are considering bankruptcy, facing foreclosure or eviction, or who are a missed paycheck away from disaster.  How do we turn this knowledge into action? Continue reading “Why Financial Knowledge Isn’t Enough”

How to Have Financial Harmony in Your Marriage

February 09, 2011

In May, my wife and I will celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary.  Would you believe that in all those years we’ve never fought about money?  (If you believe that I’ve got some ocean-front property I just can’t wait to sell you.)  The truth is when we were first married we use to fight about money all the time.  It’s no surprise that financial stress is one of the biggest contributors to broken marriages, especially for newlyweds, so how is it that Susan and I have managed to stay together for so long?  Over the years we have learned how to resolve our financial conflicts by avoiding some of the common pitfalls that each of us faces.  I know they’re common because in my line of work I hear people say them everyday.  So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to share with you some of these pitfalls, along with ideas on how to avoid them, or at least understand them so that you can turn some of those nasty arguments over money into healthy discussions about your finances. Continue reading “How to Have Financial Harmony in Your Marriage”

Workplace Financial Stress: A Major Cause of Health Problems

February 01, 2011

With the economy still on shaky ground, many employees are understandably worried about their jobs and their finances.  Unfortunately, stressing over work and money ends up being costly to our overall health.    A recent study found that some types of stress are even more damaging than others, with financial stress yielding the most unhealthy dividends. Continue reading “Workplace Financial Stress: A Major Cause of Health Problems”