Noise Cancelling Headphones Needed

January 30, 2015


I recently had a flight to remember. After a mad scramble to the airport and through the security line, all I wanted to do was relax in my airline seat after a long day. I plopped down into my seat next to a guy with ear buds that I think allowed me to hear his music better than he could.

The volume on his phone was probably not that high but I could clearly hear his music and I was annoyed because I was tired, felt a cold/flu coming on, and just wanted to relax. He promptly fell asleep but I couldn’t because his music was keeping me awake. As I was sitting there trying to focus on something other than his heavy metal playlist, I longed for noise cancelling headphones!

Then I thought it would be nice to have something to drown out the noise in the advertising world the way noise cancelling headphones block out the audio distractions. Thankfully, the holiday season is over along with the 24/7 messages to buy, buy, buy.  Of course, these media messages don’t talk about how to pay for all the things we buy…

Now, a month later, the bills are coming due. I heard a commercial the other day suggesting that I don’t have to worry about those bills because I can make them all go away by filing for bankruptcy. Incredible!

That’s an awesome message. Shop till you drop…then file bankruptcy. That’s not exactly the way I’d recommend people handle the holiday season! Then I remembered how nice it would be to have those noise cancelling “financial headphones” to drown out all the fiscally irresponsible messages we all hear so that we can focus on what’s important to be as healthy financially as possible.

I will use my “financial headphones” to drown out the urge to only pay the minimum on my credit card. I will also fight the temptation to buy anything that I will not pay cash for. Next, I’d use my headphones to drown out the financial talking heads who shout their predictions of the economy and the markets. If I had listened to some of the 2014 predictions,

  • We would be experiencing 50% unemployment, a 90% drop in the stock market and 100% annual inflation, as predicted by economist Robert Weidemer.
  • Silver will have a 50% return (it had a -13.84% annual return in 2014)
  • A barrel of oil will be close to $150 (Brent Crude Oil spot price on Dec 31st was $55.27 per barrel)
  • The Fed will be viewed as acting too timidly and Democrats will win control of Congress. (Tell that to all the Democrats that lost their seats.)

My point is that these “experts” don’t truly know more than you or I do so don’t spend precious time listening to them. Put those headphones on! Instead choose your investments based on your goal timeline and risk tolerance.

For example, my friend has a plan to buy a house this year so her down payment is in a bank savings account. Her tolerance for losing money is zero since she needs it soon. Her short term investment goals are far different than her long term investment goals so she has a different approach to long term investing. Her Roth IRA is invested 70% in stocks and 30% in more conservative investments because she can tolerate short term market dips in order to potentially gain longer term. Blocking out the “expert predictions” can be a valuable thing in your financial life.

Lastly, if I had those magical financial headphones, I’d use them to block the constant message that I need new stuff. When my cell phone contract expires this year, I won’t buy a new cell phone just because I can. My current one works just fine. When I move into my next house, I will only purchase what I truly need – which is very little.

I also plan to turn off the TV and the computer to minimize the amount of advertising that I’m exposed to. I’m starting to think that advertising just might be a little bit too effective today! I have a business trip planned next week and I’ll make sure to pack my noise cancelling headphones. I have learned my lesson and am better prepared for my next plane ride as well as for my future goals.