What a Financial Planner Told His Daughter After Her First Job

December 30, 2016

This week, I’m sharing a blog post from my colleague, Steve White:

My daughter is 22 and recently graduated college with a degree in human biology cum laude no less and she has a job working with a medical practice. (I’m a dad so I have to brag a little.) She has done several things that have reminded me why 1) being able to support yourself is important and 2) your kids do listen to what you say.

She called me when she got her first paycheck and said “Dad, I got a paycheck with a comma in it. Now you have to listen to me.” My father used to jokingly tell me that until I got a job with a paycheck, he didn’t have to listen to me, and yes, I jokingly told her the same (full disclosure – my dad did listen to me and I did and still do listen to my daughter). That paycheck with a comma in it meant that she now got to experience adult things that I’ve taken for granted like employee benefits. Her questions (and my answers) that we covered when she accepted her job included:

What health insurance do I sign up for? (the one that fits your situation) Should I check and see which one covers my prescriptions? (yes) If I take the high deductible plan, should I put money into the HSA? (yes) If I take the other plan, should I put money into the FSA? (yes)

How much life insurance should I get? (enough to cover your debt – see this life insurance needs worksheet) Who do I name as beneficiary? (whomever you want to – not me, name your mom) Wow, I don’t like thinking about if I die (Yeah, I know.)

Who is your beneficiary? (Mom) You need to name me as your medical power of attorney [see human biology major – cum laude] (I’ll think about it – aka no, let’s get back to your benefits.)

How do I fill out a W4? (What do the instructions say?) Will I have to file my own taxes? (yes) Can you help? (yes)

Thanks Daddy! (You’re welcome. What other benefit questions do you have?)

Do I need disability insurance? (yes) Why? (You’re statistically more likely to be disabled than die young – 24% chance of being disabled for 3 months or longer.)

Before she got her 3rd paycheck, she called me about budgeting, here’s how that one went:

Dad, I think I’m going to run out of money before I get paid again. (Oh, why is that?) I’ve got $23.42 in my bank account. (Yeah, I’d say that’s a possibility.)

I hate budgeting. (We all do sweetie.) Can you help me set up a budget? (Sure, I do it every day. That is one of the things I’m paid to do.)

(You remember when I decided to start watching what I ate?) Yeah, I remember you arguing with me about how many calories are in a fried pork chop. (Okay, besides that, when I thought about watching what I ate as a diet, I thought about in a negative light. I decided to think about it as an eating plan. That feels positive to me.)

Oh, I get it. I need to think about budgeting as a spending plan. (Yeah, just like you plan what you are going to eat, plan what you are going to spend.) Can you send me that spreadsheet thing you sent me before? (sure: Easy Spending Plan)

When she got her 3rd paycheck, our conversation went like this:

Dad, this morning at work, I was so excited that I got paid that I gave everyone a hug. (That’s nice.) I don’t think they expected that. (They have gotten a lot more paychecks. They have learned to restrain their excitement.)

I’m working on my spending plan and I’ve got a question. How much should I spend on lattes? (less than you do now) But I really like my soy double pump vanilla latte (I know), so what do I do? (Spend less on something else.)

But I need gas and food! (I know.) Dad – sometimes being an adult stinks. (I know.)

(Love ya sweetie.) Love you too Dad.