8 Ways to Reduce Home Energy Bills This Summer

July 12, 2013

The average American household spends roughly $1,900 per year on energy, according to the Consumer Energy Center. Depending upon where you live, a good chunk of that is likely being spent during the hottest months of the year. Despite what you may think, however, you are not at the mercy of your utility company. To learn about the many measures you can take to reduce your energy expenditure this summer, read on.

1. Use Ceiling Fans
If you don’t already have ceiling fans installed in your home, consider doing so. They pay themselves off in approximately three years if you use them to their full advantage. Just make sure they rotate in the proper direction – clockwise in summer, counterclockwise in winter.

2. Get a Home Energy Audit
If your energy provider offers free audits of your home usage, request one as soon as possible. You’re typically provided a detailed list of how much energy you use, when you use it, and what you use it for. Based on the information you get, you can institute measures to trim your costs.

3. Cool Your Home Off Naturally
Always track the outside temperature and open up your windows and doors if it drops to a tolerable level. Draw your curtains when the sun is bright to keep heat out. Taking advantage of Mother Nature can be one of the most effective ways to save on utility costs.

4. Switch Companies
If the energy industry has been deregulated in your state, chances are you can save money by switching providers. Investigate the terms and cost of each possible deal to ensure you make the best choice for your household.

5. Install a Programmable Thermostat
By installing a programmable thermostat, you can significantly cut your energy costs. Using preset features takes the human element out of the equation, which can be great if your schedule keeps you at work a little longer or if you tend to sleep in a bit on the weekends.

6. Inspect Your AC Filter Regularly
We all know we should do it, but inspecting your AC filter is a pain. However, by ensuring that yours is clean and free of debris, you can reduce your bill by as much as 15%. Inspect your filter monthly and change it every one to two months or as needed.

7. Weatherize Your Home
Properly weatherizing your doors and windows can save you a lot of money over the long haul. Weatherstrip and caulk any windows or doors that allow cool air to seep out and close off and cut the cooling to any unoccupied rooms. Make sure your entire home is well-insulated and you can save up to 30% on summer energy bills.

8. Do Your Cooking at Strategic Times
Throwing a pot roast in the oven at three o’clock on a hot afternoon is enough to send your AC unit into overdrive. Devote some time to planning ahead and do your cooking in the early morning hours or later on in the evening. Better yet, cook big meals during cool hours and feed your family the leftovers for the next few days ensuring a cooler house for a portion of the week.

Final Thoughts
Conserving your money is great, but conserving your planet’s resources may be even better. By making your home more energy-efficient, you’re not only helping trim the fat off your monthly utility bill, you’re reducing your carbon footprint and easing the strain on the environment. Take a good look at your home, identify any problem areas, and get to work reducing your summer energy usage today.

What are your plans to reduce home energy bills this summer?